Fikocyjanina a zdrowie człowieka - bibliografia - źródła badań naukowych


Fikocyjanina - badania naukowe

Poniższa bibliografia zawiera listę opracowań naukowych z całego świata, dotyczących efektywności i działania fikocyjaniny na organizm ludzki.

Na bazie tych badań powstała publikacja zatytułowana "Fikocyjanina", wydana nakładem Editions M (2009, Samazan, Saint-Justin, Francja).





1. Antioxidant activities of phycocyanobilin prepared from Spirulina platensis

Hirata, T., Tanaka, M., Ooike, M. et al. Journal of Applied Phycology (2000) : 435-439


2. The Kinetics of destruction of phycocyanine bilin groups by peroxyl radicals.

Lissi EA1, Pizarro M, Aspee A, Romay C.

Departament of Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry and Biology, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Santiago Chile


3. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of C-phycocyanin from blue-green algae.

Romay C1, Armesto J, Remirez D, González R, Ledon N, García I.

Pharmacology Department, National Center for Scientific Research, CNIC, HAVANA, Cuba


4. Neutralisation of peroxynitrite by phycocyanine and phycocynobiline stemming from Spirulina platensis: a protection against oxidative damage to DNA.

Bhat VB, Madyastha KM

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 285, 262-266 (2001)


5. C-phycocyanine : a powerful anti-radicular against peroxy radicals in vivo and in vitro

Bhat VB, Madyastha KM

Department of Organic Chemistry, Indian Institute opf Science, Bangalore, 560 012, India


6. Inhibitory effect of phycocyanin from Spirulina platensis on the growth of human leukemia K562 cells

Yufeng LiuLizhi XuNi ChengLijun LinChengwu Zhang

Journal of Applied Phycology 12 : 125-130, 2000


7. Inhibition activity of spirulina platensis proteins photo-immobilization biomaterial on proliferation of cancer cells

[Article in Chinese]

Guan Y1, Guo B.


8. Selective Inhibition of Cyclooxygenase-2 by C-Phycocyanin, a Biliprotein from Spirulina platensis

C. Madhava Reddy, Vadiraja B. Bhat, G. Kiranmai, M.Narsa Reddy, P.Reddanna, K.M.Madyastha

Department of Organic Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore


9. Inhibitory effects of Spirulina in zymosan-induced arthritis in mice. Phycocyanine as an anti-arthritic composite.

Diadelis Remirez, Ricardo González, Nelson Merino, Sandra Rodriguez, and Odelsa Ancheta

Drug development research 48:70-75 (1999)


10. Effects of phycocyanin extract on prostaglandin E2 levels in mouse ear inflammation test.

Romay C1, Ledón N, González R.

Arzneim.-Forsch./Drug Res. 50(II), 1106-1109 (2000)


11. Anti-inflammatory activity of phycocyanin extract in acetic acid-induced colitis in rats.

González R1, Rodríguez S, Romay C, Ancheta O, González A, Armesto J, Remirez D, Merino N.

Pharmacol Res. 1999 Jan;39(1):55-9


12. Effects of phycocyanin extract on tumor necrosis factor-alpha and nitrite levels in serum of mice treated with endotoxin.

Romay C1, Delgado R, Remirez D, González R, Rojas A.

Arzneimittelforschung. 2001 Sep;51(9):733-6.



13. Further studies on anti-inflammatory activity of phycocyanin in some animal models of inflammation.

Romay C1, Ledón N, González R.

Inflamm Res. 1998 Aug;47(8):334-8.


14. Influence of C-phycocyanin on hepatocellular parameters related to liver oxidative stress and Kupffer cell functioning.

Remirez D1, Fernández V, Tapia G, González R, Videla LA.

Centro de Investigaciones des Ozono, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas, Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba


15. Hepatoprotective effect of C-phycocyanin: protection for carbon tetrachloride and R-(+)-pulegone-mediated hepatotoxicty in rats.

Vadiraja BB1, Gaikwad NW, Madyastha KM.

Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1998 Aug 19;249(2):428-31.


16. Effects of phycocyanine on renal toxicity induced by inorganic mercury and cisplatin

Fukino et al.

Pub. In Eisei Kagaku, 36:5, 1990, Japan


17. Phycocyanines from algae improve growth of human cells in culture

K. ShinoharaY. OkuraT. KoyanoH. MurakamiH. Omura

Food Additive Laboratory, National Food Research Institute, Ibaraki, Japan


18. C-Phycocyanin protects cerebellar granule cells from low potassium/serum deprivation-induced apoptosis

Víctor RimbauAntoni CaminsDavid PubillFrancesc X. SuredaCheyla RomayRicardo GonzálezAndrés JiménezElena EscubedoJordi CamarasaMercè Pallàs

Unitat ed Farmacologia i Farmacognosia, Facultat de Farmacia, Nucli Universitari de Pedralbes, Barcelona, Spain,


19. Protective effects of C-phycocyanin against kainic acid-induced neuronal damage in rat hippocampus.

Rimbau V1, Camins A, Romay C, González R, Pallàs M.

Unitat Farmacologia i Farmacognosia, Facultat de Farmacia, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain


20. Phycocyanin: laser activation, cytotoxic effects, and uptake in human atherosclerotic plaque.

Morcos NC1, Berns M, Henry WL.

Department of Medicine, University of California, Irvine 92717


21. The postradiation use of vitamin-containing complexes and a phycocyanin extract in a radiation lesion in rats

Karpov LM 1 , Brown II , Poltavtseva NV , Ershova ON , Karakis SG , Vasil'eva TV , Chaban IuL

Mechnikov Odessa State University, Ukraina


22. Effects of polysaccharides and phycocyanine stemming from spirulina on pheripheric blood and hematopoietic bone marrow in mice

Zhang Cheng-Wu et al.

April 1994. Pub. In. Proc. Of Second Asia Pacific Conf. On Algal Biotech. Iniv. of Malaysia. P.58. China